What's Following You?

What’s following you these days? Sometimes the consequences of our own bad decisions seem to follow us throughout life. While we may have moments when it seems they are at last truly behind us, we often turn the corner to find them standing in our path again. Are you looking over your shoulder, waiting to see what trouble may be gaining on you? Are you winded from trying to stay ahead of life’s trials?

Psalm 23:6 says “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” Imagine now that you are running just ahead of a tidal wave about to be overtaken by . . . what? Trouble? Yes, if you choose. But it doesn’t have to be that way. When we choose Christ and decide to follow Him, His blood covers our sins. The tidal wave of goodness and mercy now pursue us – great, isn’t it? A tidal wave of blessings, God’s covering, always on our heels.

Now, what’s following you?

Heavenly Father, my Shepherd, thank you for your goodness and mercy. I choose You.

God is not waiting for us. He is pursuing us . . . like a highway patrolman pursuing you down the interstate with lights flashing and sirens blaring to get you to stop –not to give you a ticket, but to give you a message so good it couldn’t wait till you get home. Charles Stanley, Into His Presence

A Think Ye Devotional from
Rainbows & Mustard Seeds Ministry
Written by Tina Neeley


Hazel said…
Tina, I enjoyed this very much, as I do all of your devotionals. It is wonderful to think that God has a tidal wave of blessings for each of us, if we will only accept them. God Bless You! Keep up the good work.
Anonymous said…
Very good! I couldn't stop at vs. 23. I stopped at v.26. God knew I needed to be reminded about waiting for Him, the hope we have in Him, and quietly waiting.

Abundantly blessed!Sherry

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