Receptive vs. Non-receptive (Conclusion - Reception Tools)

Cause me to hear thy loving-kindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee. (Ps 143:8 KJV)

All believers experience seasons of non-reception – sort of like cable television which comes and goes. A receptive spirit will never be developed accidentally. We must be intentional and deliberate in maintaining an open spirit. We must keep our eyes open for all of the ways and places in our lives that God reveals Himself. We must empty ourselves of ‘self” and ask Him to refill us with His Holy Spirit.

Daily quiet time is a wonderful tool for improved reception. Time spent early in the morning before the day’s stresses begin is a good time for most of us. During this time, a daily Bible and devotional reading often helps to bring our day into focus in light of time spent in the presence of the Lord. Prayer is a wonderful beginning and end to this time with the Lord, giving us the opportunity to offer Him our praise and worship and not just our list of wants and needs. Time spent without speaking at all, offering Him the opportunity to speak in return.

Writing in a journal during my quiet time helps me to recall the ways God has been at work in my life and in my circumstances; things I might have forgotten without the journal entries to remind me, enabling me to look back at where I have been in light of where I now am.

There are times when just sitting quietly outside, observing all of God’s beautiful creation helps us to experience God’s loving presence. At others, our time of worship and fellowship with other believers helps improve our reception. Music often speaks to us, and we may hear God speaking to us through the words of a song or a melody may soothe us in such a way that we know it is the very presence of God.

No, good reception is not automatic but it is possible. Let’s make our daily quiet time with the Lord a priority and watch our reception improve beyond anything we thought possible.

Heavenly Father, thank You for meeting us wherever we are; for speaking to us in so many ways; and for never failing to show up when we make ourselves available to You. Help us to be diligent in maintaining a daily quiet time with You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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