Season of Gathering
Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. Isaiah 1:18 KJV
Of all the colors clothing the autumn trees, it is not gold or orange that dresses the fall dogwood tree. Symbolic of the blood shed for us on the cross, the leaves of the dogwood are crimson, their branches reaching gently heavenward, as did the arms of Jesus as He drew His last breath and bore the sins of every man.
Autumn is often referred to as a season of gathering. The crimson blood of Jesus has made possible the ultimate Season of Gathering, when the dead in Christ shall rise and be called up with the living children of God at the Rapture: the gathering by the Crystal Sea; the gathering to worship and fall at the feet of our Heavenly Father; the gathering to lift our voices with songs of praise and worship with new harmonies like the angels’ choir.
I am thankful for the beauty and promises of autumn and for their gentle reminders of the Season of Gathering.
Thank You, Lord, for all seasons. Thank You for gathering us to You – sheep unto our Good Shepherd, gathered into the waiting arms of our Savior, made possible by Your crimson blood. Isaiah 40:11
Of all the colors clothing the autumn trees, it is not gold or orange that dresses the fall dogwood tree. Symbolic of the blood shed for us on the cross, the leaves of the dogwood are crimson, their branches reaching gently heavenward, as did the arms of Jesus as He drew His last breath and bore the sins of every man.
Autumn is often referred to as a season of gathering. The crimson blood of Jesus has made possible the ultimate Season of Gathering, when the dead in Christ shall rise and be called up with the living children of God at the Rapture: the gathering by the Crystal Sea; the gathering to worship and fall at the feet of our Heavenly Father; the gathering to lift our voices with songs of praise and worship with new harmonies like the angels’ choir.
I am thankful for the beauty and promises of autumn and for their gentle reminders of the Season of Gathering.
Thank You, Lord, for all seasons. Thank You for gathering us to You – sheep unto our Good Shepherd, gathered into the waiting arms of our Savior, made possible by Your crimson blood. Isaiah 40:11
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