Be Still

           It’d been a busy morning with my granddaughter; crawling, standing and walking with assistance, every little thing in her field of vision begged exploring. With Minnie Mouse and McStuffins providing our expedition soundtrack, there was one slight problem: she was tired and needed to rest.
            Attempts to settle her on her pallet with her blanket and pacie failing, I switched tactics.  Gently pulling baby, pacie and blanket into my lap, I held her still. Although I expected her to squirm away independently and break the connection, I was surprised to see her eyes soon closed. I was in awe at the sight of her.
            In the stillness of the moment I saw a picture of my Heavenly Father standing close while I run after every shiny thing, distracted and unaware of my own weariness. He knows what I’ve failed to grasp -- that curling up and sitting still with Him will bring rest, renewal, and refueling for my next steps.  
            And so, I toddle on.


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