Five More Days

Surely I’m not the only one.

As each weekend approaches I feel I will have time, make time, for rest. Rest to me, though, is rarely a nap or sitting and watching the sun set. It is usually time spent creating something, anything – writing, sewing, a thousand little things – exhaling a week of striving. Then most Sunday afternoons find me still striving on the treadmill of life, blinking back tears of frustration as the work week appears on the horizon and dashes my hopes for five more days.

In her book Whispers of Rest, Bonnie Gray writes:

Are you weary under the weight of holding everything together? …. Jesus sees the weight of all the loose ends locked away in the quiet corners of your heart.  He aches for you and longs to free you with his complete understanding.  His loving presence will guide and help you today.
The loose ends got me. The loose ends get me.

All these loose ends are just life’s little things, like laundry, clutter, bill paying, grocery shopping, errands, and housekeeping. I love my family and want to always be available to help them (OK, I just heard my mama’s voice). Making time for me feels so selfish. But the tyranny of the urgent, at work and at home, can strangle the life out of us if we don’t pause and regroup.

It’s Monday, but it’s going to be fine.  In five more days I will get it all done, right?

For more of Bonnie's Whispers of Rest, see her site here.


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