Mary Musings & Martha Moments

We often view Martha and Mary as opposite, rather than complementary, personalities.  In this trying time, the sisters from Bethany provide an example of balanced relationships. Mary Musings and Martha Moments hopes to offer short encouraging thoughts (Mary) and a practical service suggestion (Mary).

Day 1:
Waiting. Every day waiting for a specific order that drastically slows the normal day-to-day business of life and forces a pattern of rest. Such an order seems to creep closer, yet still is not here. So the unknown does what it so often does; it causes fear. And fear gives birth to panic. And panic gives birth to no good thing.

We can choose for what we wait, can’t we?

While the news reports hint at shutdowns, layoffs, and shortages, His Word proclaims resurrection, renewal and restoration. The earth testifies of it. The only unknown is the day and the time, yet we sense, like with the negative side of today’s coin, it is near. And this knowing gives hope and life and promise. It gives birth to a new heaven and a new earth; to life eternal.

Focus, narrowing that point upon which we fix our gaze, pushes into the peripheral the negative and sharpens the positive. It crowds out despair and doom and bursts bright with light and promise of security and shelter in our heavenly father.

We can choose where we fix our gaze, can’t we?

O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together. Psalm 34:3 KJV

MOMENT: Consider sending an old-fashioned card or letter. Adding a gift card might enable someone shut in to make an online purchase. How about enclosing your favorite Bible verse or encouraging quote? your children’s artwork?


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