Dear Social Media, can we be friends?

Social Media, I have conflicting feelings about you. I admit I am of a generation that has largely embraced you, but I've not quite warmed up to you.  I realize, though, you are here to stay, and I want to find a way to balance the time I spend with you.

I'm also concerned about your boundaries and your censorship. Nonetheless, today, more than ever, we have a great need for reminders of hope, grace, and mercy, and I don't want to miss an opportunity to share these just because you may disagree with me. I have a Manager bigger than you, and He will see to it that we work together for good because I love Him and am called according to His purposes.

Noah Webster's 1828 dictionary says a friend is

One who is attached to another by affection; one who entertains for another sentiments of esteem, respect and affection, which lead him to desire his company, and to seek to promote his happiness and prosperity; opposed to foe or enemy.

I'm not sure these are your motives, Social Media, but I do believe there are readers I will encounter that will become my friends, that already are my friends, and I don't want to miss them because of my feelings for you.

So I'm going to do my best to plant seeds of hope with words and observations from daily life; point out the places I'm encountering God and His ambassadors of light. I hope we will become better friends, but with boundaries I set, not you. Healthy relationships have boundaries. We can do this.

You know, maybe we can be friends. But, if not, perhaps we can give one another grace and space to be who we are.

Yeah. Maybe we can.



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