Put Your Foot in the Door
"All open doors offer two choices: to walk by faith or to be
controlled by fear. ... Fear usually enters in when a person focuses on
his or her situation and abilities rather than on God's sovereignty and
attributes." - Dr. David Jeremiah in The Jeremiah Study Bible
Writing is an open door. It's scary work, though a good writer makes it look easy. Today we're able to share our words, but the door is quickly closing, leaving no time for fear or stutter-stepping
And life is coming at us fast. So fast and hard right now that before we can pop up and take a deep breath, the next wave knocks us back under.
COVID-19 has raised fear to a whole new level. It has affected us globally and in our homes. It has attempted to obstruct our view and obliterate our definition of hope. Focusing on the virus, still very much a situation, cripples us and robs us of the joy Jesus came to give us in abundance.
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7
So, if a spirit of fear is not from God, it can't be good for us. It can't take up residence in our hearts and lives. It has to go.
But, easier said than done, right?
True, if we attempt to defeat it in our own strength and wisdom, it's a losing battle.
If I allow the enemy to convince me I'm personally responsible for getting the words on the page and into the busy lives of my reader, I'm focusing on my abilities. But if I daily, intentionally set my focus on God's strength and attributes rather than my situations or abilities, I kick fear to the curb as I walk by faith.
Jesus has already made the exchange that's made it all possible; I just have to tap into it and remember He is the source of my strength. God's sovereignty and attributes are unchangeable.
We can really only see clearly what is in our central vision, physically and mentally. Notice how true this is by picking one thing around you to look at. See how other things fill the peripheral but are less important and vivid?
Same medicine for fear. God's faithfulness and character, when the main focus, crowd out fear and empower us to stick our feet in closing doors and offer the oxygen of hope to sinking spirits.
We may not even realize we've been holding our breath.